Wasa Research Group
   Department of Electrical Engineering and Bioscience
   Waseda University, Japan

This is the website on Wasa Research Group (Systems and Control Group), Waseda University, Japan.

Principal Investigator: Yasuaki Wasa

   [Affiliation] Department of Electrical Engineering and Bioscience, School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Japan
[Status] Associate Professor
[Office] 62 Bldg. 2-12B, Nishiwaseda-campus
[Address] 3-4-1 62Bldg.2-12B, Okubo Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8555, Japan
[TEL] +81-3-5286-3366
[E-mail] wasa _at_ waseda.jp
[CV] Curriculum Vitae
[Publication]  See publication list in CV (Partially written in Japanese)

Recent Activities (more) (facebook)

2025.1    Our ASJC paper is published in print (learning in dynamic game)
2024.12    Talk: IEEE CDC 2024 (Climate change control)
2024.8    Talk: IEEE CCTA 2024 (Swarm-CPHS with Digital Twin)
2024.6    Our IEEE Access paper is published (Investment strategy for ZEH)
2024.6    Our SICE JCMSI paper is published (Investment strategy for ZEH)
2024.3    Talk: SICE ISCS2024 (Elec. Market Design w/ Blockchain)
2024.3    Our IET Renewable Power Generation is published (Investment strategy for ZEH)
2023.11    Our IFAC WC Papers are published online (diabetes, City CPHS, Network Information)
2023.9    Our Automatica paper is published online (Design for population dynamics)
2022.9    Our TCST paper is published in print (moral-hazard type dynamic mechanism design)
2020.11    Our TSG paper is published in print

Research Topics

Our research lies in the system design, decision-making mechanism and optimization of network control systems. The goal is to establish an engineering-oriented foundational theories and applications of cooperative control, distributed learning and transaction mechanism in cyber-physical human systems to enhance global efficiency, by using specific modeling and mathematical techniques including dynamical systems, feedback control and optimization, machine learning, game theory, contract theory, and economic theory. In particular, we push forward to the following topics:

• Algorithmic mechanism design for cognitive learning and autonomy in network games
  • System-level analysis and synthesis for cyber-physical human systems
  • Biomedical control systems synthesis for sepsis and diabetes

Dynamic Transaction Mechanism Design towards Distributed EMSs

Toward the future Japanese energy management systems (EMSs), electricity and gas liberalization will be fully enforced and renewable energy will be highly penetrated as well as America and Europe. To encourage such EMSs under risk, we should establish a novel market/contract-based transaction system ensuring voluntary decision-making of system manager and agents (humans/companies/societies) with heterogeneous economic and physical cost functions in the presence of dynamically network control systems. Fruitful team results are found in our book "Economically Enabled Energy Management", which was sponsored by JST CREST EMS Project.


PV for Econ EMS  


Dr. Wasa's Biography

Yasuaki Wasa currently serves an Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Bioscience at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, since April 2024. He received the Ph.D. degree in mechanical and control engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, in 2016. He was a Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science from 2014 to 2017. He was also a Jonior Researcher and an Assistant Professor at Waseda University since 2016. He is the co-editor of the book "Economically Enabled Energy Management" (Springer Nature, 2020). He is a recipient of Outstanding Paper Award (2015, 2023), Pionner Award of Control Division (2025), and Young Author Award (2018) from SICE. He was also awarded the Best Student Paper Award Finalist in 2014 IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control, and the Best Paper Award Finalist in Asian Control Conference (2019, 2022). His research interests include control and decision systems synthesis with incentive mechanism and distributed autonomy, system architecture and platform design in dynamic games of cyber-physical human systems. Dr. Wasa is a member of IEEE, SICE, and ISCIE. He is also an AE of ASJC and SICE JCMSI.

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